Parent Training


ASPIRES (Autism Spectrum Intervention Research Education and Support) A Parent with Child training Program

We believe that parents are the best experts for their child; Armed with an understanding of Autism, and appropriate teaching methods, parents can bring immense changes to their child’s and therefore their own lives. We strongly believe in and advocate parent empowerment. If parents have access to appropriate information they do not have to depend on any one, not even us.

The aim of this program is to train the parent, usually the mother, as a therapist for their child. This is a 3 months (approximately 12 weeks) program under the guidance of trained therapists .It is an intensively communication based therapy.

The main components of this program are:

Behaviour Modification techniques: Understanding and changing behaviours so the child has more appropriate behaviours for learning and for social situations.

Teaching procedures: Since individual with Autism and Asperger syndrome have communication impairment and short attention span, they need teaching procedures that takes into account their unique needs. Here we show parents hands on, how to implement appropriate teaching methods that will enable their child to learn.

Play/social skills: Children with Autism may not have age appropriate play skills. Play is a vital component in the individual’s development of social and communication skills. We keep one day per week focusing on play where we work with parents to develop play skills in their child.

Use of Schedules: Many individual with Autism have difficulty in accepting change and moving from one activity to another. We therefore added this component to the parent training program, so that parents are able to avoid the behavioural problem that often occur as the child gets older.

Our goal is to use what research identifies as effective and build our techniques around the individual and what he or she needs.

There are different programs for parent training based on the age and need of the child

A Basic Level Ten days Program – This is an introduction for the parent and child to learning. procedures which makes learning fun and effective.

Three Months Advance Parent Training.

  • Morning Program
  • Evening Program

Contact Us
(2nd Floor) 147, Krishakpally, Barakhala, Mukundapur, Kolkata, West Bengal 700099
Tel:  090380 08536
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