Abhijeet Singh, Volunteer from Information Technology Department, Rotaract club of Heritage Institute of Technology

So, back in 2015when I first volunteered for a YAAR session of ASWB, I really had very little idea about Autism. Although unlike a major percentage of people I knew that it’s totally not a disease but a condition. In the 5 years that I have been a part of this beautiful organization not only I have learnt a lot about Autism (which I don’t think can be learned through any other course) but I have met some people who have taught me a lot about the difference between living and feeling alive.
Through ASWB I personally have learnt a lot. One major learning would be ‘Acceptance’ which I think is really important to understand. On a very selfish note I would like to say that I have made some amazing friends here. I get calls/messages often from friends I made through YAAR and they genuinely care about me with a lot of purity. This I think would be the best thing I have got from here.Cheers to ASWB and Acceptance!